Economic activities depend on the paradigm of interdependence. The attitude of mind that conforms to interdependence is compassion. Economic activity is a social activity.*
You can support the Zolder Museum financially by becoming an active creator of the Zolder Museum Trust. The Zolder Museum Trust is made to sustain the project through direct help from the part of the Zolder Museum community, which can contribute to the project with financial support.
You can become a creator of the Zolder Museum Trust by: becoming The Zolder Museum Patron, by means of a financial donation or by purchasing from the Zolder Museum Shop, where you can purchase the Zolder Museum Paper (available online), posters and fashion items (coming soon) produced by the museum’s board members).
Minimum contribution for becoming the Zolder Museum Patron is €100per year. Lesser amounts can be gifted as donations. The Zolder Museum donators will be informed of all events in the Zolder Museum and gifted with one of the Zolder Museum Paper publication.
Benefits for becoming the patron are invitations to all Zolder Museum events and gift of publications produced and published by the Zolder Museum.
With the help of the Zolder Museum Trust, the museum can continue its exciting and rich program for 2013.
If you wish to support the Zolder Museum contact via email
With Gratitude
The Zolder Museum
*(excrept from Shri Ravindra Varma talk, transcribed and written by Louwrien Wijers, Padmapani Lecture and Seminar on Compassionate Economy, organized by Tibetan House, New Delhi, September 2002)